Causes of frozen shoulder

causes of frozen shoulder

Are you aware of the causes of frozen shoulder?

The specific cause of this ailment is unknown. Frozen shoulder can occur when the shoulder is immobilized (for example, following an arm injury). The shoulder joint can also become frozen due to inflammation of the muscles and tendons, such as rotator cuff tendinitis or bursitis.

Immobility that occurs due to a shoulder injury, a broken arm, or a stroke is one of the most prevalent causes of frozen shoulder. If you’ve suffered an injury to your shoulder that makes it difficult to move it, talk to your doctor about exercises you may perform to keep your shoulder’s range of motion.

How can you get rid of a frozen shoulder the quickest?

Applying an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables to the shoulder for 10 to 15 minutes many times a day can also help reduce pain. You may be given a corticosteroid injection into the shoulder joint or soft tissues.

What is the difference between the three stages of frozen shoulder?

• Freezing, or painful stage: Pain worsens with time, making shoulder motion increasingly difficult. The pain is usually worst at night.
• Frozen: At this stage, the pain does not worsen and may even lessen. The shoulder is still stiff.
• Thawing: Movement becomes easier, and it is possible that it may finally return to normal.

Is massage safe for a frozen shoulder?

Massage and stretching are excellent treatments for frozen shoulder pain. Massage relieves stress and rigidity in the muscles, allowing them to relax. This aids in the restoration of movement and the improvement of function. It may also aid in the improvement of blood flow to the affected area as well as the reduction of inflammation.

With relaxing massage, therapeutic massage, cupping massage, osteopathic treatment, or Hijama, we can alleviate and relieve your problems.
We hope you find this helpful material. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about our therapies.

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