What is the connection between a full moon and Hijama?
Human reproduction is influenced by the moon cycle, particularly fertility, menstruation, and birth rate. Other human behaviour occurrences, such as traffic accidents, crimes, and suicides, also appeared to be influenced by the moon cycle. He hypothesized that the gravitational pull of the Moon affects fluids within the human body, worsening illnesses such as epilepsy and kidney stones, as well as menstrual cycles, based on Isaac Newton’s beliefs.
The strong pull of the Moon stimulates the blood if the Hijama or wet cupping is done in the middle of the lunar days (12-15), and the blood loses a lot of its youthful corpuscles. That is something that the Almighty Creator (Allah) does not want for his servant-mankind.
Blood flow is accelerated during the initial days of the lunar month, from the first to the fifteenth, reaching its maximum limit. It eventually pokes all of the blood residues and pollutants that have accumulated along the deep and superficial walls of the blood vessels and the ramifications of the blood vessels in the tissues.
The blood can take these residues and contaminants to the calmest portions of the body, where they rest in the shoulder blades area, as the Moon begins to decline (17 – 27). From the 17th to the 27th day of the lunar calendar, the sea tide diminishes due to the lunar pull. The Moon is still rising despite the sunlight in the morning since the cupping procedure is conducted in the morning after sleep and rest for the body and blood circulation. During the cupping performance, the Moon will have a slight tidal impact. This circumstance is ideal for our job since the Moon continues to draw blood from the inside to the outside (the inner blood of the peripheral blood and the peripheral blood surrounding the cup’s opening). This circumstance is ideal for doing a successful and lucrative cupping procedure to cleanse the body of its contaminated blood.